Eugenio Noyola Leon ( Keno )
AI/Software Developer, Writer, Python Developer, Front End Development, UI/UX, Solidity Developer, Quantitative
Analysis (Finance), Data science, Machine Learning.
Organizing Your AI-Generated Code
Be kind to all versions of you.
Human Labor, AI and Robotics
Dealing with noise while renting
More LLM/AI Tooling
Illness and the dysfunctional family
Reasoning, can AIs Reason ?
Ranking and testing LLMs and other AIs
LangChain, What is it ?
Giving LLMs Episodic Memories
New to Hugging Face ?
Math for Experimental AIs and Neural Networks
A Beginner’s Guide to LaTeX for Mathematical Typesetting
Free Will and AIs
How Evil Are You ?
Brain Blueprints: Attention
Theories and Definitions on Consciousness
Deep Learning with 3D Virtual Environments
Of Latent Spaces, AIs and Consciousness.
Book Review: Deep Learning with Python.
AR in the browser with Mediapipe and ThreeJS
AI - Machine Subjectivity
Making 2D art in Javascript
The Joy and Sorrow of Coding with ChatGPT
Backtesting 101
Search in AI 3D Environments
3D Virtual Environments for AIs
Earthquake Data Science
ChatGPTs Python API Overview
A Brief History of Financial Crises
Brain Blueprints: Motor Control
Brain Blueprints: Sensory Perception
Brodmann Areas
The Brain Blueprints Project-Introduction
ChatGPT, after the hype.
Encoding for Machine Learning and AIs
A map of common AI tasks.
Giving AIs Emotions
A Guide to Artificial Neural Network Visualizations
Intelligent Machinery (Turing)
A Higher Intelligence
Associations and Intelligence for AIs
The Chinese Room Experiment
AI Image Generators for Product Design
How to make a Sentient Toaster
The Development of Consciousness through life.
Covert Speech, Consciousness and AIs
Spiking Neural Networks, a short overview.
Functional Brain Anatomy for AIs: System 07 Odds & Ends
Functional Brain Anatomy for AIs: System 06 Speech and Language
Functional Brain Anatomy for AIs: System 05 The Prefrontal Cortex
Functional Brain Anatomy for AIs: System 04 Attention
Graphs and Networks in Python with networkx
Functional Brain Anatomy for AIs:System 03 Memory & Plasticity.
Quick guide on working with Data APIs in Python
Python in the browser with Pyscript
Build a wifi scanner with Python
Functional Brain Anatomy for AIs:
System 02 Basic Movement
Javascript refresher for web3
Hardhat for Solidity development
Signing messages in Ethereum
A bit more about Numerai
How “Conscious” are Artificial Neural Networks ?
Intro to Metamask for Dapps
Functional Brain Anatomy for AIs:A systems approach: System 01 Basic Behavior
The State of Blockchain Storage
Jumping back into Solidity and Ethereum Development
A quick look at Brownie
Don’t forget the money !
Context and AI
3 Early projects for the Metaverse
Making a Toy Hedge Fund.
AI Object Detection the Hard Way
AI Working Memory
How to DRY your Python code
Taming Time in Python
NFT Madness !
The basics of using Python in Blender
Fibonacci sequence
Recreating Biological Short Term Memory
UIs in Python with DearPyGUI
The early consciousness of sound
A first look at Github CoPilot
Command Line UI’s in Python
Fourier Transform for Audio in Python
Real Time Audio Wave Visualization in Python.
Custom made plots in Python with PySimpleGUI
Integrating PyPlot and PySimpleGUI
Integrating PyAudio & PySimpleGUI
Build a maze with Python
Neuroscience Bibliography
UIs in Python with PySimpleGUI
Isometric Grids in Python
5 reasons you should check the Numerai Competitions.
Making Grids in Python
The Problems With Artificial General Intelligence
Sparse Hierarchical Distributed Invariant
The Neuralink Pigs
The many things AI needs…
Python Numpy
OpenCV & Python
Practical Keras
Asking Code Questions
Hearing for robots and AI
Tech writing for Medium
Developer life outside the US and FAANG
Everything wrong with the pre-screen SWE Interview.
Become 10x more productive in Data Science.
Learning how to learn how to code
How to Query in GraphQL
Front End to Full Stack Part 1.
Front End to Full Stack Part 2.
Front End to Full Stack Part 3.
*args & **kwargs in Python
The Art of Getting Bored.
Classes & Subclasses in Python
Of Masks and Spreading Germs
Preparing for the next Pandemic
Decorators in Python
Python Pandas Basics
Time and Space Complexity
Google Python Challenge #2.a
Python GUI with PyQT/PySide2
Stacks and Queues in Python
Making Data Trees in Python
Google Python Challenge #1
Print() in Python
Fizz Buzz in Python
Python Comprehension
Beginners guide to Iteration in python
Think Small
Organizing your Python Code
Threads in Python
Alternatives to Using Globals in Python
Be more like Evolution !
Saving WeWork.
Stop mass shootings, keep your guns ?
Productivity and Technology.
Technical Analysis on Trial
Early look at DeFi on Ethereum
Predicting the future by looking at the past.
Exploring Cycles in data.
KIVY Menagerie
Neural Synchronization in the brain
Quick guide to Git + Github
Conscious Artifical Intelligence C.A.I. Foundations.
Why did the MoxyOne ICO failed ?
Understanding spreads in Trading
Correlation in data
Visualizing the number of neurons in the brain
Visualization for Data Science in Python
The Tragedy of the Commons.
Control Structures in Ethereum
Making a time savings contract in Ethereum
Making a Birthday Contract.
Anyone can kill your contract
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 1.
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 2.
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 3.
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 4.
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 5.
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 6.
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 7.
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 8.
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 9.
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 10.
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 11.
Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts - Part 12.
Cómo llegar a Her
The Bitcoin market in pretty charts.
Getting to Her
Numerai walkthrough: Quantitative Analysis & Machine
learning for fun and profit.
Making a Simple Neural Network : Classification
Quick take on Invision for UI/UX Prototyping
Quick take on Sketch for UI/UX Design
Hire me Not
Making a Simple Neural Network
Memory and The Machine
SVG Vector graphics with Snap.svg
Getting to know Typescript Part 1.
Getting to know Typescript Part 2.
Getting to know Typescript Part 3.
Let's check out Material Design Lite
Everyday Javascript: Objects.
Obelisk.js Pixelated Isometric graphics with Javascript.
Getting started with Firebase Part 1. Setting up.
Getting started with Firebase Part 2. Real Time
Getting started with Firebase Part 3. User
ES6 Sampler #6 : Odds & Ends
Isomer.js Isometric graphics with Javascript.
ES6 Sampler #5 : Promises ( were made )
Integrating Angular ChartJs and Angular Material
ES6 Sampler #4 : Spread ...
3D with Three.js
ES6 Sampler #3 : Classes
A look at Quill.js
ES6 Sampler #2 : Fat Arrows
A look at Javascript Chart libraries,the big one D3.js
ES6 Sampler #1 (let & const).
Let's try Angular Material.
A gentle introduction to Sass
A look at Chartist.js with sample code
Exploring Javascript Chart Libraries, Getting started with
Introduction to Emmet
The Jekyll Experience
Getting started with SVG graphics
Getting Started with React.js
More React.js
Getting started with React Router
Getting started with Redux
Angular.js by example, Getting started.
More AngularJS introductory code samples.