Ethereum, tokens & smart contracts: Notes on getting started.

Available as an ebook or color paperback...

Ethereum has received a lot of attention from the cryptocurrency and software communities, it's a blockchain based mix of currency and programming with seemingly endless and novel applications we are just starting to discover, it is also a complex and amazing technology.

I wanted to learn about Ethereum and how to make smart contracts, yet couldn't find a suitable introduction or set of tutorials so I made a series of articles documenting my learning, after some modifications and testing I turned them into this book so others could have a quick starting guide.

This book is aimed mainly at developers with some programming experience and little to none blockchain experience who want to start writing smart contracts, interacting with the Ethereum ecosystem and the solidity language, but those curious about Ethereum and smart contracts can also benefit.

  • It is designed as a series of hands on examples that take you from novice to beginner in as little time as possible while giving you an overview of the existing tools.
  • Includes multiple contracts you can build and experiment with.
  • Sections devoted to tokens and crowdfunding.
  • Sets you up on a learning path

Projects / ICOs :

RED Fund Token

Partnered with ID8Capital a real estate development firm to create an Ethereum based (ERC20) Token representing participation in a Real Estate Fund along with a token crowdsale contract, whitepaper,relevant websites & consulting

Services provided:

  • Whitepaper
  • Website design and development
  • Token Smart Contract
  • Crowdsale Smart Contract
  • Smart contract tests

