Conscious Artificial Intelligence: Part 1. Foundations

Available in print and ebook format

What is consciousness ? We all seem to agree we are conscious beings, but we seem to struggle to define consciousness at times.

If we understood consciousness well enough, would we be able to recreate it artificially ? How far are we?, What would this entail in a nuts and bolts way ?

This book serves as the starting point in answering these questions and more, join me in discovering what makes us us, along the way we will sample science and culture for insights, start explaining in simple terms how and where we believe consciousness arises, deal with the thorny issues and begin the journey to recreating consciousness artificially...

A new type of Artificial Intelligence.

Making a simple Neural Network: An Illustrated guide.

Available in ebook format

I've always been interested in the inner workings of the brain in a nuts and bolts kind of way,while my main concern has been research; applications are a novel, profitable and fun way to learn and expand our knowledge.

I struggled reconciling pure neuroscience subjects with the statistical and matematical approach, I also couldn't find a simple introduction to the subject of neural networks, so I made my own.

Making a Simple Neural Network is short introduction to get you from zero to a a basic understanding and beyond in as few pages as possible with the help of illustrations, examples and code samples.

Making a simple Neural Network: An Illustrated guide.

Available in ebook format

